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Life FERTILIFE took part in the Networking Meeting Life REWIND in the Polytechnic School of Huesca

Life FERTILIFE took part on the 04th July 2017 in the Meeting “Reduction of CO2 emissions in rural areas: a case study, Life REWIND”. The meeting was held in the Polytechnic School of Huesca and organized by the University of Zaragoza and the Life+ REWIND project.

A visit to Life REWIND’s prototypes based in Viñas del Vero (Barbastro, Huesca) was organised during the meeting. Then, Maria Dolores Corvinos, Project Manager in SISTEMAS AVANZADOS ENERGETICOS, coordinating beneficiary of Life FERTILIFE, made a presentation of the main aspects and actions of the project in the Polytechnic School of Huesca.

Life FERTILIFE and Life REWIND met in the framework of their respective networking actions with similar LIFE initiatives, to share methodologies and exchange know-how, best practices and experiences.

Researchers from the University of Zaragoza, the Hydrogen Foundation of Aragon, Viñas del Vero and Intergia Engineers attended the event and participated in a round table of CO2 emissions reduction in rural areas.

Life FERTILIFE members would like to express their gratitude to Life REWIND consortium for the invitation to the event.